Getting Started

We are sure you are keen to get started, however, you may be wondering where to start or what to do!  Please find some simple steps below to get you started:

Step One
Learn how to use the Kit

  • Read pages 6 and 7 in the activities handbook.  This will give you information and guidance on process and how the kit works best.  

Remember you can switch and change topics based on the time of year and situation.  Use the activity handbook as your guide and work it into your environment and current activity programme. 

Step Two
Plan and promote your 'Introductory Session'  

  • Review pages 9 - 11 in the activity handbook - This will help you plan, prepare and hold your very first session.  
  • Head to the 'Introductory' page on this website for ideas and downloads. (you can click the 'next' button at the bottom of this page. 

Step Three
Advertise your session

You can use the poster below or you can design and use your own.  

Come And Join Us Poster

Please also find below some helpful tips from facilitators that have used the kits frequently: 

For top tips from facilitators who have used our kits…pdf

For tips on communicating with people with demantia, from the Dementia Services Development Centre…  pdf

Other Useful Hints and Tips

Building confidence

If you sense participants are a bit nervous about getting into creativity, then here's a few tips to help them relax and gain confidence.

  •  Start with a doodle - getting people in to making marks and experimenting with different papers, colours and markers
  •  Write and decorate their name.   This is a chance to choose colours and styles and talk about what their name means to  them.  They could also decorate with their favourite flower or garden item.
  •  Start with a collage - just lingering over magazines and tearing out images and phrases that are meaningful is a great way to introduce a creative activity.  
  • Dots, dashes and lines exercises to have fun - dots that wander, dashes that dance and lines that laugh!
  • Work as a team or group and set 'jobs' if possible.   
  • A job well done - Always celebrate the work done in each session


There are also some websites that would be really useful to take a look at either before you start or when planning gardening activity sessions.  They all have great information and ideas for your activity sessions:


Two free publications Gardening togetherand Gardening memoriesare both helpful for people with dementia, with clear instructions for many gardening jobs. Both are useful for Activity Session 1. 



Trellis Scotland is the place for information about therapeutic gardening, the art of using gardening to help people take care of their physical, emotional and social wellbeing. They support a network of over 200 therapeutic gardening projects in Scotland so they can share skills, good practice and get you connected. Trellis runs training workshops and an information service, and can visit you to give help and advice.



The RSPB is the countrys largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home and take responsibility to protect birds and the environment.



The visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas. We recommend signing up for Pinterest so that you can access many of their inspirational ideas.