We want to recognise the value of using Creating Conversations for anyone who uses our conversation toolkits and is looking to validate their achievements, share the impact the kit has had in their conversations and to ensure that it contributes to professional development and key competencies.
We have worked with the SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council) to launch our first Open Badges for anyone using the kits to earn through submitting evidence to our team. We are really enthused and encouraged by the stories, images and evidence we have already received and we would love to award you with a badge for your own benefit.
The Bronze Open Badge is ideal for someone using our social activity kits for the very first time. It will help you get the most out of our kits if you are trying to support or facilitate a conversations session and should help you with your first steps towards confident social communication.
The Silver Open Badge is aimed at those who are using our activity kits as part of a full or ongoing programme. It will support you to build a strong evidence base for your regular conversations and with leading a process of facilitating a full project to completion.
What is an Open Badge?
Open Badges are a straightforward way to collect, manage and share evidence of learning in today’s digital world. You can collect them to evidence your learning and share them in places that matter to you, including offline as printable certificates. When you show your badge to someone, they will be able to see criteria against which the badge was issued and any evidence that you provided to prove you met that criteria.
Click to visit the SSSC Open Badges site
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and dozens of other social service organisations issue Open Badges to recognise continuous and informal learning that would otherwise go unrecorded.
Why Open Badges?
As Creating Conversations launches our first Open Badges, Director Kevin Harrison outlines some of the thinking behind digital badging of professional development:
"Social Badges may not be news to everyone, but the advent of whole new mechanisms of supporting and recognising learning are evolving and soon we will all be virtually connected like digital scouts and guides with our collections of experiences that form and inform our work forces."
Read more at Social Bytes, his Linkedin article on the subject.