social enterprise

Abbeyfield residents in Surrey reap the benefits of Creating Conversations

We recently heard from Abbeyfield House in New Malden, Surrey where residents have been using the Creating Conversations tablecloth to stimulate conversation and activity. In this case the photographs say it all. This was one of the first homes in Abbeyfield to test out the use of Creating Conversations toolkits and it has so far been a great success.

Abbeyfield House is a custom built residential unit, designed to meet the needs of people living with dementia. It was featured in a Telegraph Article recently which called it "an ingeniuous care home". Creating Conversations have been delighted to work with Abbeyfield on this.

A big thanks for all your support!


We would love to offer a massive thank you to our brilliant 19 backers who helped raise £520 towards our product launch. You have helped us produce our very first product, literally getting us off the ground and into the market. We cannot thank you enough.


We asked Artlink Central supporters to help us get the conversation started through our very first Crowdfunder and nineteen generous supports gave generously to allow us to purchase our very first product to ensure they were ready to sell at our launch.

Thanks to all those keen and giving friends for raising over £500 to give us a starting investment.